art can only be if it is shared.
this might take many forms.
the one i am concerned with on this page is "teaching".
i put this word brackets, because basically art can not be taught.

drawing by ANGELA GUYTON
attitudes towards art, towards the creation of art and the status of being an artist can only be discussed,
developed and thus passed on -
more about this can be found in the chapter 'the BAA manifesto' in 'Thoughts'.
drawing by Angela Guyton 2012

i have experienced and have been involved in a variety of ways of how to become an artists:

with greatest pleasure i was part of
the ISLINGTON ART ACADEMY in Salford 2007
the SALON in Salford 2009/10

.. and here is a list of my contribution to what might be referred to as 'the conventional way':

09/2007– 09/2012 Lecturer in Sound Art/Contemporary Visual Art University of Salford
lauras video
2008 Visiting Lecturer Republic Polytechnic, Singapore
06/2004– 08/2007 AHRC Research Fellowship SOUND & SITES University of Salford
research in Lapland, Switzerland, Greenland, Scotland, England and Iceland
2003/04 & 05 Visiting Lecturer at Kuva Taide Akademia Helsinki/Finland
2001/02 Visiting lecturer “Phonic Art” Hull College of Art & Design / University of Lincoln
2000-01 Visiting Fellow “Phonic Art” Hull College of Art & Design University of Lincolnshire & Humberside
1999 Visiting Lecturer at Rangsit University, Phathum Thani - Thailand
1998 Guest lecturer at the „Ecole des beaux arts“ Clermont-Ferrant France
1997 - 2000 Lecturer (part-time) „Phonic Art“ Hull College of Art & Design Univer sity of Lincolnshire & Humberside
1997 Research Fellowship „Multi Media (Events)“ Manchester Metropolitain University
1996/97/99/00/02 Visiting lecturer at Hallam University Sheffield „fine art“
1996 Lectureship at University of Salford „visual arts and culture“ in 1996, in 1996 partly funded by DAAD (German academic exchange services)
1996 Visiting lecturer at University of Huddersfield „performing arts“
1993/4 Lectureship at University of Bielefeld – G

after long and steady increase of disagreement with form and structure of the way art is 'taught' in Universities and after complete discontent with the mounting paperwork and decrease of quality that students get for increased fees my contribution to this way ceased on september the 26th 2012.